Fees (2-5 years) Aug 2016-Aug 2017



PER SESSION                        £11.35

Snacks and drinks included



Served at table, eaten under supervision


EARLY ARRIVAL                       £5.70

arrival from 8:00am


TEACHER / SCHOOL DAY       £38.20

8:15am—4:45pm including lunch


FULL DAY                               £38.20

9:15am-5:45pm including lunch


FULL WEEK                         £175.60

8:00am-5:45pm Mon-Fri inc lunches



Fees are calculated every 4 weeks. 


To assure your child’s continued place, we must ask you to pay by the due date on the invoice.

Online Payments:

Please find our account details on your 4 weekly invoice.

Cheques to be made payable to:

“Sandcastles Nursery”

Sandcastles also accepts payments via vouchers & salary sacrifice schemes.


FIS Calculator

Contact the Family Information Service to check if your 2 year old is entitled to free nursery sessions or check online at https://fisonline.lancashire.gov.uk/Enrol_Live/Website/default.aspx

Session Times

Early                 8:00 - 9:15

Session 1         9:15 -11:45

Lunch*             11:45 -12:45

*Lunch only available if staying for afternoon

Session 2        12:45 - 3:15

Session 3         3:15 - 5:45

'Teacher' Day    8:15 - 4:45

Once booked, session times describe the earliest we can accept your child from and the latest time that your child must be collected by.



Free Early Education

Previously known as: Nursery Education Grant


Sandcastles is eligible to provide Free Early Years Entitlement sessions, starting the term after your child’s third birthday.   

The maximum number of funded sessions per term is defined by Lancashire County Council and can be split between a maximum of two Early Years providers.


Please find further information regarding the Lancashire E.Y.F.E. via the link below:



We aim to deliver funded sessions as flexibly as possible - we are able to spread funded sessions more evenly across the year as we are open 51 weeks.

Any other sessions, lunches, early arrivals etc will be charged at our current rates.

Paying for childcare is a considerable expense for parents and it is vital that you are aware of all the help that is available. There are several options to consider, including the use of tax credits, employer childcare vouchers and your entitlement to free sessions under the Nursery Education Funding scheme for 3 and 4 year olds. For more details and help on establishing what funding you can access please visit: http://www.familyandchildcaretrust.org/help-with-childcare-costs

Currently the government is planning how to introduce further funded hours for working parents.  They propose to start the enhanced hours offer in Sept 2017. Lancashire is currently consulting parents on how best to implement the increased hours please comment - see right. ->